MPs alarmed that four prison projects are still incomplete, years after due dates

Shocked MPs heard yesterday that four prison projects worth more than R1bn were still incomplete years after the contracts’ completion dates, due to defaulting contractors engaged by the Department of Public Works.

A delegation led by Department of Correctional Services acting national commissioner Zach Modise told a parliamentary committee that the construction of two prisons and the renovation of two others had been delayed by awarding contracts to companies that lacked the financial capacity to complete them.

The report to Parliament’s justice and correctional services committee raises suspicions that the contracts were awarded to companies related to correctional services officials.

Deputy commissioner Phillip Ndlela told the committee that “the poor management of projects by the Department of Public Works impacts on service delivery”.

The construction of a new prison at Vanrhynsdorp, in the Western Cape, for R355m is still incomplete despite the initial contract being awarded in 2007 and the original completion date being in 2009. Mr Ndlela said the completion date was now unknown because the contract was terminated this year.

A second contract to the same company, Vusela Construction, for the construction of a new prison at Ceres, in the Western Cape, for R290m, was awarded in 2008 for completion in 2010, but it is still incomplete.

Mr Ndlela said the contractor had been liquidated and a completion date could not be estimated. The committee was told that the two prisons were partially occupied.

The R257m renovation of the Tzaneen prison was awarded in 2011, and it and R173m of renovations to Pretoria C-max were incomplete. The contractor was the same in both cases.

Committee chairman Mathole Motshekga asked if any consideration was given to the financial capacity of contractors before contracts were awarded. Mr Modise said it was difficult to respond because the Department of Public Works adjudicated the contracts.